Ho ho hold the Phone! Is it Christmas already? O how time doth flyeth! Have a great Christmas and may all your wildest dreams come true in 2019.
Here’s a little gift we made for your enjoyment. Hope to see you in 2019, let the good times roll πŸ™‚

And suddenly it’s done! After months of rehearsing and planning the releaseshow is over. What a night it was! Special thanks to Beyond God and Valerio Recenti for rocking with us again and thank you all for coming to the show and hanging with us, see you next time!

Technicoloured Eyes is out now, so come and get some!


And tharrrr she blows! Very proudly with a mild touch of anxiety we bring you the first video from our upcoming album “Technicoloured Eyes”. Ladies and gentlemen: meet Cornelia
And do please share this video and let us know what you think!